Friday, August 9, 2019

Read It with a Box of Tissues

and a pen and a journal. Just read it.
I'm recommending the new book (release date August 20, 2019) Shades of Light by Sharon Garlough Brown to everyone I know. I really hope that you'll read it, especially if, like me, you journey through life with depression or anxiety. Or if also like me, you encounter and want to encourage those who do. If you counsel pastorally or professionally or as a friend. If you long to grow in your understanding and love of our precious Lord Jesus Christ. If you ache for hope. 

Several times while reading this novel, I sat back and sighed with relief and hope. Remembering and realizing that Jesus knows my suffering and calls me to share in His. I heard His voice. I felt His Spirit.

Here's my official review: 
Once again, Sharon Garlough Brown has beautifully woven together story and practicality. Through entering into Wren’s story, we encounter the everyday realities of living with depression and anxiety. And we learn how to persevere through the journeys and wisdom of the other characters who speak into her life. Brown uses the characters to speak real truth into the lives of her readers, to counter the lies they’ve heard and believed, to point them to the Scripture that heals.  I recommend this book to anyone in ministry. To anyone is struggles with mental illness or loves someone who does. I plan to make my perfect pre-release copy of this book a dog-eared, highlighted, coffee-stained companion on my own journey into His Kingdom of Light.

Here's a link so you can pre-order your own copy. Releases August 20!!

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