My world is enclosed by people of whose love I am convinced. There are family members whom I often take for granted. Friends from high school and college, teachers and mentors. Daily friends from current life and keep-in-touch friends from seasons past. Regardless of the frequency of contact between us, I draw support from each person just because I know they exist, and I know they either love me or like me or both. It is as if I am surrounded by light, hope in the darkness of my self-criticsm. On June 11th, one of those lights went out. I didn't even realize how much I appreciated and relied on his encouragement until I learned of his death. Dale Lewis, from seasons past my yearbook advisor and mentor. A few years ago reconnected at a 10 year reunion/homecoming weekend. Most recently, a Facebook friend. Irregular contact, occasional posts and "likes" and annual birthday wishes. But despite the infrequency of our interaction, his encouragement and joy remained a constant in my life. I am my own worst critic, aware of every false thought and lazily missed opportunity. If left in a world of my creating, I would dwell in hopeless murk. But these lights that glow around me, like the haze of a big city at night, these people who refuse to allow me to just be my worst but stubbornly see, coax, enjoy any good that might be in me, any talent struggling to surface. I am so grateful for those lights! And I mourn this world's loss of a man who lived a joyful life. Choosing joy over bitterness in the face of disappointment and rejection. Always loving and accepting, despite differences and failings. He chose to see others as Jesus sees them--human beings created in God's image, weak and sinful but loved by a Redeeming Creator. I think he took to heart and lived out to his best ability I Corinthians 13:7 "love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Not a perfect person but one who trusted the Perfect Person completely and submitted himself to His perfect plan.
I sift through old photographs, seeing once familiar faces, more and more of whom are now in the Great Cloud of Witnesses. I long to join them. But I see too, many faces who are still here, running the race or lost off course. God, help me to be a light for them. Always bearing. Always believing. Always hoping. Always enduring. Choosing joy. Just like Jesus. Just like Dale.
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