"And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priests in their vestments came forward with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise the Lord, according to the directions of David king of Israel. And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord,
“For he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.”
And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers' houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people's weeping, for the people shouted with a great shout, and the sound was heard far away." (emphasis mine)
It's November 27th. Less than one month until Christmas...let me calculate exactly....really, just 24 days until we leave for our Christmas Vacation. Holiday Readiness Status: Nill! Thanksgiving decorations litter the living room, kitchen and dining room. Christmas decorations still packed on the shelves in the basement. And Christmas presents? None. Not a single present done. I've thought alot about them. Planned them. Even written them down and bought crafting supplies. And all I keep thinking is "this time last year...." Last year was incredible. For whatever reason, I was on fire. Gifts planned and executed in time for November celebrations, end of November mailings, and Christmas gatherings on different December dates. I handmade almost everything. I marked off progress and completion on a detailed checklist. Most of all, I enjoyed it. I distinctly remember one day looking up from a project which engrossed me, and thinking to myself "I'd better get to work." Astonished, I realized, "I am working!"
Since then, I've assumed that would be my new normal for Christmas gift-giving. Starting in October, done by early December. Enjoying the whole thing. Forgetting no one. Ready for any last minute additions.
This year couldn't be more different. I don't know why. I keep looking for the circumstantial differences, and there just aren't any really. But this year, nothing's done. I've accumulated ideas and supplies all year long but have failed to execute any of them. I've got a list with deadlines already missed. And the sound of the impending Christmas bells makes me what to go hide in bed instead of tackle the gift-making projects head-on.
Yesterday, as I read this passage in Ezra, for the first time, I really identified with the old men who wept at the foundation of the new temple. They had seen Solomon's incredible temple, the size and opulence of it. And just sight of the new foundation, indicated how much less impressive this new temple would be. And yet, when you read in other parts of Scripture that refer to this time period such as Haggai, you see how critical it is that the people are building! They're finally obeying. And it's a new year. a new time. Things are different. But they're building and by building the House of the Lord, they are physically setting their priorities straight. God doesn't care about the size of the temple,what He wants is preeminence in their hearts. He owns the earth! He doesn't need a temple. But He desires that His people worship Him.
Last year, I began my preparations by putting Jesus at the top of the list and asking Him, "what do you want from me for Christmas?" As I worked and went about my days, that question kept me in line. It kept me from getting frantic or frustrated. It reminded me to put my children first, to set the projects down when they came home from school. It put the joy in my job when perfectionism threatened to steal it.
This year, I haven't asked. Jesus isn't on my list. Today, that's going to change. And maybe I'll weep because this year's gifts just aren't as great as last year's. But I'm going to put Him first this Christmas and get to working and worshiping in His Name.
Since then, I've assumed that would be my new normal for Christmas gift-giving. Starting in October, done by early December. Enjoying the whole thing. Forgetting no one. Ready for any last minute additions.
This year couldn't be more different. I don't know why. I keep looking for the circumstantial differences, and there just aren't any really. But this year, nothing's done. I've accumulated ideas and supplies all year long but have failed to execute any of them. I've got a list with deadlines already missed. And the sound of the impending Christmas bells makes me what to go hide in bed instead of tackle the gift-making projects head-on.
Yesterday, as I read this passage in Ezra, for the first time, I really identified with the old men who wept at the foundation of the new temple. They had seen Solomon's incredible temple, the size and opulence of it. And just sight of the new foundation, indicated how much less impressive this new temple would be. And yet, when you read in other parts of Scripture that refer to this time period such as Haggai, you see how critical it is that the people are building! They're finally obeying. And it's a new year. a new time. Things are different. But they're building and by building the House of the Lord, they are physically setting their priorities straight. God doesn't care about the size of the temple,what He wants is preeminence in their hearts. He owns the earth! He doesn't need a temple. But He desires that His people worship Him.
Last year, I began my preparations by putting Jesus at the top of the list and asking Him, "what do you want from me for Christmas?" As I worked and went about my days, that question kept me in line. It kept me from getting frantic or frustrated. It reminded me to put my children first, to set the projects down when they came home from school. It put the joy in my job when perfectionism threatened to steal it.
This year, I haven't asked. Jesus isn't on my list. Today, that's going to change. And maybe I'll weep because this year's gifts just aren't as great as last year's. But I'm going to put Him first this Christmas and get to working and worshiping in His Name.
This year's theme song for me: Eternal Gifts
So glad you started blogging! Love you. Thanks for sharing:)